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Saturday, June 7, 2008

Countries Marks World Environment Day

Today the world celebrates World Environment Day - a day which aims to spread awareness of the environment while creating awareness of the need to preserve and enhance the environment.This year's theme "Kick the Habit! Towards a Low Carbon Economy" - h

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Saturday, May 31, 2008


Reservation is a issue which had spreads its roots deeply into the Indian society which is not right. If you want to bring the prosperity than you should educate the weaker not the person whose attitude is not right but have dearth of resources with them.

Recently Gujjars demanded reservation and lots of peoples have been killed during agitations. Much of public as well as private property get damaged during the agitation.

If we want to do something good to society than reservation system must be finished and anyone who is not having finance to study than he must be provided help / quota but not everyone based on caste system. Caste based reservation system divides the society and upbrings inequality. It is just politics.

Post your views to me about it.

Thursday, May 15, 2008

Rich / Poor

We always say, listen and discuss that hard work is key to success and brings prosperity. In every part of world you can found books, articles, etc. for the same. But I generally observe that a labour is harder worker than rich persons. Rich persons only pass orders to his subordinates, junior or the employees working under him.

What is the reason behind it?

Tuesday, May 13, 2008

Woman to head missile project for the first time

Woman to head missile project for the first time

New Delhi, May 13 (PTI) After rising to the ranks of Lt Generals in the army and Air Marshals in the IAF, a woman is now set to head the country's key missile project.
45-year-old Dr Tessy Thomas, one of the around 200 women scientists and technicians working for the DRDO, has been cleared to be appointed to the post of Project Director of the upgraded version of the 2000 km-long nuclear capable Agni-II missile.
Thomas is presently the Associate Project Director of the 3,000 km range Agni-III missile project.
Asked about the new version of Agni-II being planned, Thomas, who was yesterday honoured along with the entire team of Agni-III by the Prime Minister, told PTI that "It is still a confidential project. It will be called Agni-II A (2)." "I like my job. I feel I am contributing to my nation's security," Thomas, who has named her son after the country's light combat fighter Tejas, said.
A B.Tech from Thrissur Engineering College, Calicut, and M.Tech from Pune, Thomas is an expert on all solid system propellant.
Thomas, who did the post analysis of the failure of the first Agni-III missile, said there were some shortcomings in the test of the missile which were overcome for a smooth flawless test flight on May seven. PTI

Woman to head missile project for the first time

Monday, May 12, 2008

Business etiquette

Business etiquette

“etiquette is what you are doing and saying when people are looking and listening. What you are thinking is your business”
-Virginia Cary Hudson

Ø As we become a more high-tech society, the need for a sensitive, personal touch in business increases.
Ø As John Naisbitt says in Megatrends, “whenever new technology is introduced into society, there must be a counter balancing human response”.

Ø No matter how intelligent or accurate your computer is, you must still interact with people.
Ø “Good manners are cost effective. They increase the quality of life in the work place, contribute to optimum employee morale, embellish the company image, and hence play a major role in generating profit.”

Ø A U.S. office of Consumer affairs’ study showed that “up to 90% of unhappy customers never complain about discourtesy, and 91% will never again do business with the company that offended them. In addition, the average unhappy customer will tell the story to at least nine other people, and 13% of unhappy customers will tell more than twenty people.”

“A company becomes a company you want to do business with because of people who work in it, so business etiquette has a very definite relationship to the bottom line.

*Good etiquette is good business!

ØWhen viewed in this light, etiquette is more than which fork to use, or how to smile nicely, when to wear a tuxedo.
ØToday’s business people must know how to walk into a room full of strangers and feel at ease.

ØThey need to able to introduce themselves and others without feeling apprehensive.
ØThey should know when-and how-to make a phone call to cheer or congratulate someone, or when a handwritten note or an e-mail is in order.

ØThey must know how to conduct themselves at company social functions and receptions, and understand the complexities of the business lunch.

Some etiquette basics
Ø Train etiquette what about the rule that on a bus, or subway men or younger people must give up their seats to women or older people?
Ø Not any more-unless the people are handicapped or pregnant.
Ø Of course, offering your seat is still a nice gesture.

Holding doors
Ø Yesterday’s etiquette dictated that a man had to back up and let a woman pass through a door first; a younger person had to do the same for an older person.
Ø But today’s common-sense etiquette dictates that the person in the lead holds the door for the person in the rear.
Ø It is that simple.

ØIf people of the same gender approach the door together, the one in the higher position or the considerably older usually enters first, while the other person holds the door for them.

Ø What about revolving doors?
Ø If the woman is in the lead, she enters first and pushes; the man follows and pushes and vice versa.
Ø If the person in the rear wants to push a little harder to help out, that’s great.
Ø The point is not who goes first, but that everyone gets through the doors easily.

ØJust remember that common sense rules.
ØIf someone is carrying an armful of files or packages, the other person takes the lead in all situations, regardless of sex or age.

Automobile etiquette
Ø It’s nice but not mandatory, for a man to go around to the passenger to assist a woman into the car when they travel together.
Ø It’s especially appropriate when the car is locked.
Ø If someone does unlock the door from the outside, please be polite enough to unlock the driver’s door from the inside!

ØGetting out of the car is another story.
ØSome women find it embarrassing for a man to come around and open their car door.
ØWhat do they do while waiting?

Ø If, however, a woman is dressed for a special event and might have trouble maneuvering her dress and wrap, then of course a man should help.
Ø If you’re a woman with a man who insists on opening your door, good manners dictate that you allow him this tradition without a show of resentment.

Ø It is still good manners for a man to walk a woman to a car if it is parked in a dangerous area; at night time he should accompany her in any area.
Ø Of course, it’s smart for a man to walk a man to his car as well!
Ø And a woman should always walk into parking lots in groups, if possible.

Elevator etiquette
ØCommon sense dictates that the people closest to the elevator doors get on first.
ØIf you want to be at the front when it’s time to get out, go in and stand by the buttons, out of the way.
ØOr go in last.

ØOr if you are in the very front waiting for your floor, however, you show good manners if you move outside the doors to allow people to exit from the back

ØConsideration of the entire group should always come before formal etiquette to one person, especially in an elevator.
ØIf you’re using the escalator or the stairs instead of the elevator, the man usually follows the woman.
Ø If you would be happy for one hour, take a nap.
Ø If you would be happy for a day, go fishing.
Ø If you would be happy for a month, get married.
Ø If you would be happy for a year, inherit a fortune.
Ø If you would be happy for life, love your work.
-Chinese proverb

Principles of impeccable work behavior
ØBasic guidelines the guidelines apply to all employees, just not newcomers.
ØMany veteran workers also need to be reminded occasionally of these basic principles of business professionalism.

Be careful with your appearance
ØThese are just a few general guidelines for the most effective business appearance:
Dress appropriately
Ø You want to be noticed, but you don’t want to stand out.
Ø And there are different rules for different situations and work styles.
Ø Again, your own organization’s style will dictate what is “appropriate”.
Dress for the position you want, not the position you have.
Ø Others tend to believe that you are what you appear to be.
Ø So when it comes time for promotions, management usually looks first for the people who need the least amount of grooming for the new position.
Dress conservatively
Ø For most businesses and most business occasions, conservative is best.
Ø You will have more credibility in a jacket than without, more credibility in long sleeves than in short, more credibility in conservative colors than flashy.

Expand your knowledge
Ø Knowing how to learn is the skill most needed by employees
Ø Learn as much as you can about your job and your manager’s job, and hoe each fits into the organizational structure.

ØFind out what other departments do.
ØRead the trade publication of your industry and profession.
ØBe the one who people turn to for expertise in your area.

Honor your working hours
Ø Working nine to five doesn’t mean that you arrive at nine and leave at five.
Ø It means you work from nine to five.
Ø Socializing at the coffee pot or eating breakfast at your desk does not constitute working.

Ø Five minutes may not seem like much to you, but it may seem like stealing to your manager or CEO, especially a small or a busy office.
Ø Spending 10 minutes on a personal phone call is only a small part of an eight-hour day, but 10 minutes a day equals 50 minutes a week-almost an hour of unproductive time

Ø If you start getting ready to leave at 4:45, charge out of the office at 4:49, and screeching out of the parking lot, you’ll give the impression that you can’t wait to leave-not a professional attitude.
Ø If you cut short a telephone conversation with a customer because it is quitting time, you may lose business

Ø If you arrive at a meeting late your actions say, “my time is more valuable than yours; you aren’t important to me.”
Ø Those few extra minutes may make a big difference in a way you are considered for promotions or raises.
Ø Be honest .
Ø How many hours do you really work?

Be friendly
ØWhen you are new, you need people to help you with your duties, explain procedures, and show you where to get information or material you’ll need.
ØMake an extra effort to get along with everyone, but don’t try too hard.

Ø Ask your new coworkers to have lunch with you; lunch is a great opportunity to get to know each other.
ØRemember that offices work best when individual efforts supports the team effort.
Keep personal information to yourself
Ø Friendliness aside, don’t let your life become the office soap opera.
Ø When someone asks, “how are you?” don’t spill your guts.
Ø Some of the information could be used against later
Ø If you can’t control your mood or your mouth, be quiet

ØThe same advice goes, of course, for sticking your nose into others’ personal business.
ØNever discuss or question salary or any other confidential or personal information with co workers.

Be positive and supportive
Ø When your day isn’t going the way you hoped it would, try to look at the positive side of things-and people.
Ø You’ll be surprised how quickly you can turn a bad day into a good one.
Ø Believe in your co-workers and back them up in public

ØWhen your manager makes a decision, give your wholehearted support to it, at least in front of others.
ØMake others look good at every opportunity.

ØManagers, especially need you to look, talk, write, and act like a positive, supportive representative.
ØYour professionalism reflects both on your manager and your organization

Keep an open mind
ØMake informed judgments, avoid jumping to conclusions, evaluate what you see in addition to what you hear, and don’t be party to gossip
ØEstablishing yourself as professional means that you show respect for others

Follow through
Ø We all get a little tired, especially by late afternoon, but the job you tackle at 5:00 P.M. means as much as the one you start at 8:00 A.M.
Ø Cover every angle of a project, and don’t wait to be reminded that you need to finish a project.
Ø Be accurate.

Ø Check and double-check to make sure things are going smoothly and the way you planned.
Ø Be realistic about how long an assignment will take, and let others know ahead of time if you anticipate a delay.
Ø Set deadlines and meet them.

Ø Our job knowledge ranks above communication skills as a factor for workplace success.
Ø Keep people informed in a succinct and a useful way.
Ø Every wants to know what’s going on-not every little detail of every day, but what is happening on major projects

Ø Your coworkers want to know about the status of assignments.
Ø They want to know immediately about any problems or mistakes.
Ø Most of all, if a conflict arises or if someone makes a mistake, remember that everyone is human.

Ø Managers want you, however, to go through the channels of communication.
Ø Don’t go over their heads, and don’t bring things to them that don’t concern them
Ø If you want to disagree with them, do it tactfully, with a positive alternative, and during a high point in a day.

Ø Speaking and listening are twin skills in communication.
Ø Both sides must play a part for communication to occur, and you can learn best by listening to what others know.
Ø Ask questions.

ØHear how other people organize their ideas, how they respond to changes in procedures.

Solve your own problems
ØWhen you do have to present a problem, bring possible solutions, too.
ØDon’t complain about things that can’t be changed, and don’t blame others when you make a mistake.

ØAccept responsibility when you have made a mistake, and work harder to make sure that it does not happen again.
ØLearn to accept criticism gracefully without defensiveness.

Work hard
ØBe ready and willing.
ØTake on new responsibilities, and do more than others expect.
ØDon’t be content to do only what’s expected of you or use the excuse that “it’s not my job”.

ØLook for areas in which you can do more and make yourself more valuable.
ØVolunteer for special projects.
ØThose who wait to be told what to do continue to be told what to do, and their value seldom increases.

Be assertive, but not aggressive
Ø What’s the difference?
Ø Assertiveness is appropriate behavior for the situation at hand.
Ø It’s standing up for your rights without infringing on the rights of other people.
Ø Aggressiveness is strong, overpowering, often abusive behavior.
Ø It’s rude, crude, and abrasive

Don’t be in too big hurry to advance
Ø Learn as much as you can in the job you have now.
Ø Think ahead. Plan.
Ø It’s like growing up: no matter how eager you are, it takes a certain amount of time.
Ø Try to enjoy what you have while it is yours.

Leave gracefully
Ø If you don’t have the job very long, keep your disappointment-or your extreme happiness-to yourself.
Ø Just be cordial and say your good-byes quietly.
Ø Never bad-mouth the people who have put money in your pocket.

ØIf some one leaving, respect that person’s privacy as much as your own.
ØEven if they have resigned, and you can’t understand why, respect their opinion.
ØThey are still the same people-they just chose not work there any longer.

Meeting people
Good manners are always important in contacts in life, but they must spring from real kindness of spirit or they will not ring true.
-Eleanor Roosevelt

Saturday, May 10, 2008


Since last few months we regularly listens about increasing inflation rate which is making a record by every passing day/week. Do you think that Commodity market (trading of commodities) is the main factor behind the rising prices. To control increasing inflation trading of some necessary commodities stopped and recently Government asked the steel companies to hold the prices, but how it will bring down the inflation rate. The steel prices will definately give benefit to Real Estate Sector but how it will help the regular life of a common person.

Wednesday, May 7, 2008


The most important thing for anyone career. If you don’t have proper qualification and working hard you may not reach the level where you can reach with qualified degrees. Experience definitely counts but qualification is the basic criteria to rise in service sector, it is my personal feeling because in my organization I am among the most hard working employees and keeps every confidential records. My workload level is also very high and my colleagues/Seniors are working on the same thing which I works but they withdraw almost 3-4 times higher salary in comparison to me and that’s because of difference in level of education if you have good educational degree in your hand you will reach high.

So at last I say that education is the most necessary part of life for everyone.

Tuesday, April 29, 2008

BRT Corridor (Delhi)

Recently we listen and seen many things related to BRT corridors Bus Rapid Transmission System in Delhi. Most of people/newspapers are explaining that Government had made a mistake by constructing BRT Corridors. If Government do take any action we criticise government if anything goes wrong, but we never appreciate government for its success. The failure behidn the BRT Corridors according to me is illteracy among road users. In our country peoples are not much disciplined due to which a kiosk happens. If we all follow rules and regulations and inculculates discipline in ourself that will change the whole scenario. Everyone on the road is in hurry than others so he took wrong lines, overtakes at wrong location without following traffic rules that leads to chaos and accidents on the roads and government is blamed for the same.

At last I can say that to make any system / new development successful everyone need to be fully aware about it. Discipline is another important factor. And we all should understand that establishment of any system takes time.

Let's come together to make BRT Corridor a successful Project, even after our whole hearted efforts it doesn't work that necessary actions can be thinked upon.

Wednesday, April 23, 2008

Health Programme

Yesterday my two months son had been taken to government hospital at Faridabad where the preliminary medicines/injections/vaccinations are given by government at free of cost. On reaching their we found that the medicine is finished and it will be available only after fifteen days and that too not sure. I am not able to understand why the process of government health department is that much lazy when every year Central Government is increasing the budget for health services. The budget need to be used in a active manner and administrative branches of health department must take care of it.

By above incident i feel that if this is the scenario for health department especially for infants who are future of our country what will be happening in other departments.

Please post your experiences.

Monday, April 21, 2008


Recently in view of Panchayati Election in Area all the political parties are raising and giving air to warm up the environment in Nandigram area of West Bengal. Recently Gang rapes of women against turn the situation tensed and visit of Trinamool Congress Chief Mamta Banerjee and his party leaders to victims had been blocked by CPI(M) Cadres, which clearly presents the tensed scenario of area to the outside world.

I don't understand what the local government, NGO and media is doing towards the betterment of environment.

I think central government should sent a team consisting of members from all parties to analyze the situation of area and team must report in a limited period with remedial actions.

All the points must be considered while giving priority to the common man/peoples of that area.

While doing acquisition of land, we should remember if everywhere we construct industries and don't leave the land for agriculture in future we will face the problem of food shortage. The high rate of inflation in now-a-days is only due to different in supply and demand.

Post me your views regarding same.

Saturday, April 19, 2008

Death Sentence

Do you think that all over the world death sentence must be stopped even when it is known to us that it is given in very rare cases. Sometimes a person do some wrong act due to immaturity, loose control of his mind or some opposite circumstances and the concept of humanity says that everyone should come forward to treat him and work towards the improvement of his attitude.

The objective of giving punishment is that criminal / mistaker / wrong doers feels guilty but if he death sentence is given the objective of punishment is died / finished and death sentence becomes a kind of revenge.

Please express your views over same.

Friday, April 18, 2008

Local Information

Sometimes i feel urgency for some information regarding purchase of material (household, commercial/official) or to book some ticket of railway, airline and many times it is very urgent to look for contact details of some agents / person / commission agent to deal with different types of government departments. As I don't have the local contact in that area, I use Internet (a big resource in itself) but most of time results are big zero.

Can anyone suggest me something in this regard.

Tuesday, April 15, 2008

Sixth Pay Commission

In last few weeks much is in air about recommendations of sixth pay commission as it is related to increase in salary of Govt. employees. Everyone is saying that it will lead to big increase in salaries however only few are aware that number of leaves have reduced drastically. The less leaves will have following results :

1. More health problems for everyone as the regular life is already too much stressed

2. Less social relation between everyone leads to big impact on communal harmony

3. Private sector will totally finish the leaves as everyone knows that private sector had less leaves in comparison to Government sector.

4. You will be not able to join and celebrate many family functions/religious festivals etc.

Increase in salary is necessary due to high inflation rate and number of national holidays must be not changed keeping in mind the health of


Please comment.

Friday, April 11, 2008

My Blog

Since last 2-3 weeks I am just writing news or other articles from various sources of Internet. Basically whatever I found interesting on Net I post the same to my blog also.


I am not aware whether it will affect my page rank as the articles are from the other sources of net.


My sole aim of blogging is earning money.


If you know something please suggest.

Thursday, April 10, 2008

SC gives nod to 27 per cent quota for OBCs

April 10, 2008 11:26 IST
Last Updated: April 10, 2008 12:47 IST

In a major boost to reservation, the Supreme Court on Thursday upheld the Constitution amendment law providing for 27 per cent quota for Other Backward Classes in IITs, IIMs and other Central educational institutions, but excluded the creamy layer from the benefit.

Coverage: The Reservation Issue

A five-judge Constitution bench cleared the Central Educational Institutions (Reservation in Admission) Act, 2006 providing for the quota, by a unanimous verdict.

The bench headed by Chief Justice K G Balakrishnan excluded the creamy layer among the OBCs from the quota benefit.

The court held that the Act does not violate the basic structure of the Constitution.

The verdict came on a bunch of petitions by anti-quota activists challenging the Act. They vehemently opposed government's move saying caste cannot be the starting point for identifying backward classes.

The inclusion of creamy layer in the reservation policy was also questioned by the anti-quota petitioners.
With this judgment, the interim order of March 29, 2007 staying the implementation of the Act has been lifted.
In effect, the reservation policy can be put in place for the 2008-09 academic session.

The court held that the Constitution (93rd Amendment) Act, under which the government came out with the law providing 27 per cent quota in Centrally-aided institutions, was not violative of the basic structure of the Constitution.

All judges favoured periodic revision on the implementation of the 27 per cent quota.

The court ruled that the delegation of power to the Centre to determine OBCs was valid.

The parameter applied for identifying the creamy layer among the OBCs for jobs as per the office memorandum of September 8, 1993, will be applicable, the court said.

It also held as valid the exclusion of minority institutions from the ambit of quota under the Act.
Besides the Chief Justice, the bench comprised Justices Arijit Pasayat, C K Thakker, R V Raveendran and Dalveer Bhandari.

SC gives nod to 27 per cent quota for OBCs

BBC NEWS | Asia-Pacific | Olympics to 'rebound from crisis'


The head of the International Olympic Committee has said the Beijing Games will rebound from "crisis" after days of protests along the torch route.

Jacques Rogge told a meeting of national committees in the Chinese capital that they should assure their countries the Games would succeed.

The US stage of the torch relay passed off amid confusion and tight security in San Francisco on Wednesday.

The route was totally changed at the last minute amid anti-Chinese protests.

Torch-bearers were immersed in a cocoon of security, surrounded by dozens of police officers and Chinese guards in track-suits.

BBC NEWS | Asia-Pacific | Olympics to 'rebound from crisis'

Wednesday, April 9, 2008

Highly-skilled Indian workers win court challenge in UK-UK-World-The Times of India


LONDON: An estimated 30,000 Indians and 19,000 other non-Europeans successfully overturned the British government's hardline new rules for highly-skilled migrant workers on Tuesday with the High Court decisively ruling the immigration changes "unlawful" and a rank "abuse of (administrative) power".
Tuesday's legal triumph for the Highly-Skilled Migrant Programme (HSMP), the non-profit campaign organisation that was the lead appellant in the 14-month case, puts Britain's progressively-tighter immigration policies under the microscope.
It comes almost exactly six months after thousands of Indian doctors won their High Court challenge to the British government to force it to treat them on a par with European medics.
The High Court judgement dismissed the government's argument that it was in the "public interest...the national interest" retrospectively to apply changes to HSMP visas.
The ruling, by Judge Sir George Newman, means that Britain will be forced to grant entry, residence and/or settlement to non-European Union nationals who entered the UK under the 2002 HSMP rules.
But a defiant government said it wants to appeal.
Newman said, in his landmark judgement, "In the circumstances, I am satisfied that the terms of the original scheme should be honoured and that there is no good reason why those already on the scheme shall not enjoy the benefits of it as originally offered to them. Good administration and straightforward dealing with the public require it. Not to restrain the impact of the changes would, in my judgment, give rise to conspicuous unfairness and an abuse of power."
Flushed with victory, an ebullient Amit Kapadia, the HSMP Forum's executive director, told TOI, "We are relieved and happy and very glad that British justice is available as a last resort when there is a clear abuse of power by the government. This is a lesson for this government and those in the future".
The judge ruled that it was only fair the UK apply the original HSMP rules to thousands of non-European nationals who migrated to the UK in the "legitimate expectation" they were entitled to a year-long stay, a two-year visa extension, then a further three years before applying for settlement.
He ruled it unlawful to apply the 2006 points-based immigration rules to existing HSMP visa-holders as criteria for remaining in the UK.
But the judge ruled that "the old scheme constituted an integrated and entire programme and that it was not open to the government to alter the terms and conditions upon which the pre-arranged stages were to be implemented."
The High Court ruling means that hundreds of Indian HSMP visa-holders who were forced to go back to India can now legitimately ask to return to the UK. It will also finally mean the freedom from fear – of deportation – for 100,000 Indians here, which is thought to signify the total number of HSMP visa-holders and their families.
Indian HSMP visa-holders said they felt "vindicated" in their claim, first revealed by TOI, that they had been suddenly disenfranchised by Britain's allegedly "racist, Idi Amin-style immigration policies".
The HSMP Forum, which brought its legal challenge against the government with the thousands of pounds it collected from its often-impecunious members, said it was a comeuppance for "the immigration department (which) was obsessed with defending their decision and were not open to any reasoning. We had no other recourse but to approach the judiciary".

Highly-skilled Indian workers win court challenge in UK-UK-World-The Times of India

Saturday, April 5, 2008

Inflation at new high, hits the 7%-mark

April 04, 2008 12:17 IST
Last Updated: April 04, 2008 12:49 IST

Inflation galloped to 7 per cent for the week ended March 22, on higher prices of food, vegetables, minerals and manufactured items, even as measures to tame prices are expected to take effect only in 2-3 weeks.
Inflation growth in the previous week was 6.68 per cent and was 6.54 per cent in the corresponding week a year-ago.
On Monday, the government decided to abolish import duty  on crude form of edible oils, cut rate on refined edible oils and ban non-basmati rice exports among other measures to ease the pressure off prices.
However, Manila-based Asian Development Bank expects these measures to influence prices only by the month end.
The high rate of inflation could also prompt the Reserve Bank of India to take monetary measures, like hike in interest rate or tighten money supply through hike in CRR.
During the week, prices of fruits and vegetable, pulses, cereals, eggs, meat and fish went up, while condiments and spices were cheaper. The mineral category-index shot up by 38.2 per cent driven by 46 per cent rise in prices of iron ore.
In the manufactured items category, sunflower oil, vanaspati, butter, mustard oil, sugar and groundnut oil became expensive, while prices of ghee, coconut oil mellowed down by 1 per cent each.
At the same time, prices of steel ingots, alloy steel casting were higher. However, car chassis moved down by one per cent.

Also Read:

Inflation at new high, hits the 7%-mark

Friday, April 4, 2008

The Hindu News Update Service

Kallis, de Villiers cement South Africa's position

Ahmedabad (PTI): Jacques Kallis and A B de Villiers cemented South Africa's already dominant position with a record fifth wicket 189-run stand to take the visitors to 306 for four at lunch in the second cricket Test against India here on Friday.

The duo, who joined forces on Thursday when the visitors were 117 for four replying to the Indian first innings total of 76, faced 279 balls during the stand, leaving the visitors ahead of the home team by 230 runs.

At lunch, Kallis was unbeaten on 97, three short of his 30th Test century, while the more attacking de Villiers, who completed his fifth ton and first against India in the last over before lunch, was on 102.

The duo's unfinished stand overhauled the previous fifth-wicket best of 164 between Kallis and Lance Klusener against the hosts done at Bangalore during the 1999-2000 visit by the Proteas.

The well-settled pair, which resumed at the overnight 223 for four, was hardly troubled by the Indian bowlers in the opening hour of play, barring once when Kallis was nearly bowled off his gloves.

Kallis was lucky that the ball hit the stumps without disturbing the bails when he batted against off spinner Harbhajan Singh, the hosts' most penetrative bowler on Thursday.

Later, the burly all-rounder survived a close leg before appeal when trying to pull Indian pacer S Sreesanth. TV replays indicated he could have been declared out.

Kallis and de Villiers added 83 runs in 29 overs in the session, with the former scoring 37 and the more enterprising de Villiers adding 43 to slowly take the match away from India's grasp.

In the first over after drinks, de Villiers, who once again showed fleetness of foot to negotiate the spinners, survived a run-out attempt when on 89 in 270 for four.

The batsman tapped R P Singh to the vacant fine leg position and, after a yes-no with partner Kallis, was trying to scamper to the non-striker's end when Mahendra Singh Dhoni collected the ball and threw it wide of the bowler whose aim at the stumps after a dive was way off the mark.

At lunch, the powerfully built Kallis had hit 11 fours and a six, while facing 223 balls and staying for 287 minutes at the crease.

The Indian attack looked mostly clueless. The pacers tried to dig the ball in on the slow pitch offering low bounce and were hammered with pull shots by the 32-year-old Kallis.

The rub of the green also seemed to go against their attempts to come back into the game after having become the first team from the country to be bowled out in the first session of a Test match on Thursday.

The Hindu News Update Service

Wednesday, April 2, 2008

Videocon eyeing Motorola`s handset biz: report stories,Leader speak,company news,sector news,Market talk,lifestyle,budget,market today,global indicators

India Infoline News Service / Mumbai Apr 02, 2008 10:54

According to media reports, Videocon group chairman said that we have expressed our interest in acquiring Motorola’s handset business. We learnt from a reliable source that they will be selling it and when they do we are sending an expression of interest.

The Videocon group is planning to bid for Motorola's troubled handset unit, if the US-based company decides to sell the loss-making business. According to media reports, Videocon group Chairman Venugopal Dhoot has been quoted as saying that Videocon is in the initial stages of evaluating a bid.

"We have learnt from a reliable source that they (Motorola) will be selling it and when they do we are sending an expression of interest," he added. According to a financial daily, the group has hired a leading investment banker to convey its interest to buy out the mobile handset business of Motorola.

Motorola, on March 26 said it plans to split into two companies next year amid pressure from billionaire investor Carl Icahn to spin off the handset business that it pioneered 25 years ago. The board is looking for a new CEO for the mobile handset business, Motorola said.

Motorola spokespersons declined to comment on the news.

Motorola's handset business may be worth about US $3.8bn, according to Merrill Lynch. That's more than double the market value of Videocon Industries Ltd., the Videocon group's listed company. Some analysts say Motorola won't sell its mobile handset business to Videocon as it does not have a global brand value.

Having said that there are definite synergies to be had as Videocon group's subsidiary Datacom has received license for launching pan-India mobile operations and is awaiting allotment of spectrum.

The group plans to invest Rs60bn on the mobile services business across all the 23 circles in India. It is looking at a subscriber base of 25mn in the next three years. India adds around 7-8mn new mobile users every month.

So, the potential is quite big given the tele-density of just 25% in the country. At the same time, the challenges too are quite a few. One is the stiff competition among global mobile phone makers and low margins of the business.

Second, how will Videocon fund the acquisition, considering the ongoing turmoil in global credit markets. Another issue is how to revive the Motorola brand, which has seen its market share erode considerably over the past 12 months. Motorola has lost its No.2 spot to Samsung due to lack of strong products.

Last year, Motorola sold over 159mn mobil e phones globally. Its market share is down to around 14%, just behind Samsung, and way below Nokia, which is the No.1 brand with a market share of close to 40%. stories,Leader speak,company news,sector news,Market talk,lifestyle,budget,market today,global indicators