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Saturday, May 11, 2019

Election 2019

The biggest festival of democracy 2019 is going on and five phases are complete and sixth phase is going to held tomorrow. During these election campaign of all parties it has been worth to mention that political leaders break all moral and ethical limits of words and allegation. They made false, non ethical, abused and even used very low grade words for women's. 

This kinds of language and allegation leads to fall of social and communal harmony of society and in coming decades it may leads to problem of law & order at many places and the sufferer will be common men (remember common men is not of any particular community, religion or caste, he is a person who earns daily and eats, in common hindi we says jo roz kuwa khodta hai or roz pani pita hai) so i say that to save the common men who earns daily for his bread the level of allegations and language should be in limits by every political party and leaders as the leaders words set the example for society.

It is also important that all promises made by parties should be on the path of development and betterment of nation not for any particular community, religion or caste. They should work in direction that make Nation stands on its legs. Every citizen should work hard and in true spirit without opting for wrong ways of earning.

Here i clear that i don't belong to any particular political group.

At last request that every one should vote.

Wednesday, March 27, 2019



2019 Loksabha election in our country is announced. It is one of the biggest festivals of Democracy of India. India spends huge amount of money, manpower and other resources in election process. Whole government machinery is put to use for election. All political parties put their all resources for victory. Each and every political leader works overtime to increase their popularity and support among common men and tries to win election by hook or crook.  As per my personal views generally a MP candidates spends around 3 to 5 crores in their constituency for advertisement and other expenses.

In Indian parliament 543 members are elected and on an average three candidates fights election from a constituency and if spends minimum 4 crores the total comes to 12 crores for one constituency. Means the total estimated spending for 543 seats are as follows :-
12 crores x 543 seats = 65,16,00,00,000 (6516 crores)
The above figure is only for candidate’s expenditure.

The cost to government is not known. The cost of manpower, infrastructure, safety and security arrangements are very huge. After completion of election the next government recovers these spending from common men to fill the government treasury. The common men and economy bears the unnecessary weight of election expenses on their shoulder. If the above huge budget is used for development of nation could yield a big change.


Wednesday, January 16, 2019

इच्छा , जिन्दगी और जरुरत

इच्छा , जिन्दगी और जरुरत 

आज जिन्दगी छोटी है
आज जररुते बहुत है
कयोंकि आज इच्छाए बहुत  है
आज इच्छा जररूत है
और जररूत जिन्दगी है
इसलिए आज जिन्दगी तेज है

जब नहीं थी जररूत स्कूटर की
तो शरीर दुरुस्त था

जय नहीं थी जरूरत टेलीविज़न की
तो परिवार में मेलजोल था

जब नहीं थी जररूत मोबाइल की
तो आपस में जोड़ था

जब नहीं था बर्गर, पिज़्ज़ा
तब स्वाद बेमिसाल था

जब नहीं था इंटरनेट
तब भी होता था सारा काम

तब जिन्दगी थी बड़ी
परन्तु करते थे शरीर से मेहनत

रेत की तरह हाथ से फिसल जाती है
कयोंकि  आज जिन्दगी तेज है
कयोंकि आज इच्छाए बहुत  है
आज इच्छा जररूत है
और जररूत जिन्दगी है

Tuesday, November 20, 2018

ज़िंदगी की कहानी

आज मैंने एक बहुत ही अच्छी कविता पढ़ी जिसमे  लिखने वाले ने ज़िंदगी को बहुत ही खूबसूरत अंदाज़ में ब्यान किया है 

कविता इस  प्रकार है , लेखक को आभार 

कोई खुशियों की चाहत में रोया,
कोई दुखों की पनाह में रोया.

अजीब सिलसिला है,
इस ज़िन्दगी का.

कोई भरोसे के लिए रोया,                        
कोई भरोसा कर के रोया.!

"खुशी" ने वादा किया था वो, 
पांच दिन बाद लौट आएगी.

पर जब हमने "ज़िन्दगी" की,
किताब खोल कर देखी.

तो कमबख्त ज़िन्दगी ही, 
चार दिन की थी.!

Tuesday, October 30, 2018



Image result for diwali firecrackers

Deepawali or Diwali the festivals of light has come. Everyone will celebrate it in their own way. Old age or senior citizens will spoke to their counterparts and elders or matures will meet and exchange gifts, sweets with their relatives and friends. The youngsters will celebrate the festivals with shopping, party, bursting crackers and enjoying with their friends. Between all these things we forget about the waste generation in form of packing material, consumables and smoke generated due to bursting of fire crackers. The Hon’ble Supreme Court has fixed the timings for bursting of fire crackers, in addition to this I think that some kind of environment maintenance tax must b imposed on fire crackers so that the tax collected could be used for betterment of environment.

Also all of us should start a new trend of exchanging and planting a tree before or after Diwali at their garden or at some other location so that we make reimbursement to nature of our self part. The same may become a part of our culture and tradition so that the coming generation will start learning it from their childhood itself and planet earth will be safe for coming generation of humanity.  

Tuesday, September 25, 2018


Few days back on net I read about reservation. The definition of reservation has changed in last 3-4 decades. Different sections of society are aggressive and demanding reservation for them because now the reservation is like getting a direct benefit without hard work while the really poor and needy feel harassed because he doesn’t get it even when he/she is talented. In many cases reservation makes rich richer and makes poor poorer and creates inequality in society which is against the objective of constitution that there must be EQUALITY AMONG ALL. The reservation is becoming a social culprit with each passing day.

Let’s imagine a scenario as under mentioned:-

A person who belongs to reserved section of society starts his education with financial concession in fees, relaxation in age and also gets relaxation in marks. In many courses, colleges, universities etc. he receives financial scholarship just because he belongs to reserved class. He gets his degrees/certificate although he/she may not be enough capable. Now after completing his/her education when he/she is equipped with educational degree like others but still for getting job he/she gets benefit again (reduced form cost, less marks and relaxed age criteria) and after getting government job he gets salary as per government grades which is normally 40-50 thousand now a days and now the reserved person is well equipped financially as well as socially to take care of his family and is a part of society at par with others. He/she is having good house, car, scooters and his children’s are getting education is top private institutes of the city and his children’s will also get reservation benefit like his parents which clearly means now the children’s will rise one level above the society which definitely creates inequality in society against the law of equality as mentioned in constitution and clearly rich becomes richer.

Also thinks about a scenario where civil structures are built by an inefficient Engineer or health services given by an incompetent Doctor’s.

While on the other side of the coin a general category student starts his education but drop out because of his inability to bear educational expenses or completes his education by working hard or borrowing from others and becomes a merit holder but when he applies for a job he had to again pay more for the form cost and needs to fight with least marks scorer and still doesn’t receive the job he is capable for, then he adjust for some private job or get some junior job where he works as an assistant under the least scorer and unable to take care of his family and leaves a poor people life in society and again he is not able to take care of his family and his children’s get education in government school/charitable school or in some simple school and his children’s also doesn’t get good education and unemployed and again inequality generated in society and clearly poor becomes poorer.

I AM NOT AGAINST RESERVATION but reservation must be given to only those who is meritorious and financial week and needy irrespective of his caste or religion.

Anyone must be given on merit and financial status of the society AS PER THE OBJECTIVE OF EQUALITY AMONG CAN BE ATTAINED.