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Showing posts with label modern lifestyle. Show all posts
Showing posts with label modern lifestyle. Show all posts

Tuesday, October 31, 2017

मानसिक स्थिती

मानव अपने जीवन में विभिन्न परिस्थितियों  से गुजरता है कभी खुश होता है किसी कारण  से तो कभी दुखी होता है किसी कारण से, जब वह छोटा होता है तो उसे खेलना और खाना अच्छा  लगता है, जब वह जवान होता है तो उसे दोस्तों का साथ, घुमना फिरना पसन्द  होता है और जब वह थोड़ा बड़ा होता है तो परिवार का साथ समय व्यतीत करना चाहता है और बुढ़ापे में जब इंसान को मदद की जरूरत होती है वह चाहता है कि अन्य उसके  साथ समय व्यतीत करे और उसे सम्मान दे परन्तु आज की भागम भाग की जिंदगी में सभी इतने  व्यस्त  है कि अपने बुजुर्गों को बहुत कम समय दे पाते है जिसके कारण परिवार के वृद्ध सदस्य अपने आप को उपेक्षित महसूस करते है | 
हमारे धर्मशास्त्रों में भी कहा गया है की मानव इस जग में अकेला आता है और अकेला जाता है | यह शरीर मात्र एक वेशभूषा की तरह है और सगे - संबंधी , दोस्त , नातेदार सभी रास्ते  में मिलने  वालो की तरह है और माता-पिता तथा गुरु को ईश्वर के सामान समझना चाहिये | ईश्वर ही केवल एक सत्य है वही इंसान के साथ हमेशा रहता है चाहये दुःख का समय हो या सुख के पल, इसलिए हमें हमेशा हर समय अपने कर्मो को करते हुए ईश्वर का ध्यान और याद ऱखना चाहिये भागम भाग की ज़िन्दगी में माता - पिता का ध्यान और सम्मान करना चाहिये, कयोंकि वो उस परमात्मा के समान है उनके आशीर्वाद से ही आप ईश्वर का आशीर्वाद प्राप्त कर सकते है |

ईश्वर परम शक्तिशाली है और मानव वही करता है जो ईश्वर चाहता है सभी से प्रेम पूर्वक व्यवहार करे , प्रार्थना  करे की ईश्वर सबका भला करे, सबको अच्छा ज्ञान दे  |

Saturday, October 28, 2017

Increasing Population Is A Problem for Humanity and our Planet

With respect to change in our lifestyle today we mainly blame the degrading quality of life everyday because of increased busyness, more & more stress, rising health problems in young age and many more daily routine issues. The average age of human beings had decreased in last many decades. The unhealthy life style, eating habit, shortage & unavailability of nutritious food is a big reason behind it. The quality living is very costly and not affordable for many of us. The increased use of chemicals, pesticides in all eatables and daily consumables items has increasing the problem by each passing day.

What is the reason behind this, definitely the increasing demand and decreasing supply? Due to increased demand many social problems take births like starvation, less food, less cloths, less homes and scarcity of basic needs of life for peoples and in search of solution of above problems human beings use natural items which are decreasing at a very fast rate and the only solutions seems to be the population control, it is the biggest problem for which whole world, researchers, scientist, social organizations, different country governments, political leaders etc. are seeking solution. They are trying to solve these problems through various means and ways which ultimately depend on natural resources. Today we don’t want to maintain the things required in our daily life but just use them and throw them, popularly known as USE AND THROW concept.

The usage and maintenance concept of everything has gone and now the time is for USE AND THROW which leads to exhausting of natural resources at a speed which can’t be expressed in words.

In view of above problems if human beings are not aware and no steps are taken for correction of our wrong activities soon the human beings existence on this planet will be a story of history.

Wednesday, July 12, 2017

In one of my recent visit to a marriage function i seen that mostly people taken seat in their own vehicles and did not walked with 'Groom' till temple. Even before departure of Groom from home almost everyone is busy in himself surfing with their mobiles. Marriage party are not so much enjoying event now and most of the peoples just participate to complete formality. The modern busy life is just not have a impact on marriage events but completely dented our social culture. In death cases also people either reach directly to crimination ground or don't walk with body just move few meters and then take their vehicles and during process of crimination many are in hurry to move and don't stay their till completion of activity which is very bad. 

What steps should be taken to stop decreasing humanity / moral values in today modern life. How we should increase social co-operation and move forward to give help to others in hour of need as everyone has to pass through good and bad times and social programs are essential part of every human beings.

We must realize this decreasing mutual co-operation inside social structure otherwise in future if social co-operation will end it will be a very big factor in end of cultured society.

I invite all readers to please post your suggestion to increase social and moral values, harmony inside the society.

Thursday, September 1, 2016

याद आता है बचपन

याद आता है बचपन

खोया गया है बचपन इन पक्की सड़को और गलियो में
वो पेड के नीचे खेलना
वो गिल्ली डंडे के साथ घर से निकलना
वो बरसात के पानी में पत्थर तैराना
वो कच्ची गलियों में गिरना
गिरकर  उठकर चलना

वो दोस्तो के साथ पतंग उड़ाना
वो कुल्फी वाले को देखते ही घर वालो से ज़िद करना
हाथ मिलाना, गले मिलना था बहुत जरुरी
तो  कभी दोस्तों से कुछ देर के लिए लड़ना और फिर मिलना और साथ खेलना
कभी उनके घर जाना और पुकारना कभी उनका आना याद आता है

पर आज बच्चे व्यस्त है टी बी और मोबाइल में
सभी दोस्त है फेसबुक और टवीटर पर
आपसी मुलाकात भी होती है ऑनलाइन
एक दूसरे के घर आना जाना है मुश्किल

खो गया बचपन बदलतै माहौल और जीवन की बदलती शैली में
याद आता है बचपन

Monday, August 24, 2015


In today fast moving world of metro cities normally nuclear family exist and in villages also culture of nuclear families is common but some big families exist as a exception. In nuclear families husband, wife and their small studying children’s are members of family. When children’s goes out of home for higher studies and then for search of career only husband and wife will remain in this nuclear family. The important point is how much values any child got from his family environment whether good or bad. When any topic good, bad, social, private, etc. are discussed children’s observe this type of discussion between parents. They go through listening talks of family friends and also now a days television(TV), internet and mobile makes a important impression on their minds. In today’s busy life do we get time to give good moral values to our children’s? We hardly get any time to visit temple regularly and not able to pray in front of God in morning because husband and wife both are working. When we ourselves not spare time for prayers and spiritual activities at home how our children’s will move forward in life without religious thoughts and spiritualism. As spiritualism not give us mental piece in time of problem but also generates courage in a person. How we will inculcate good moral values in them? Is it the sole responsibilities of school and its teachers?
As per my personal views Television, Internet and mobiles must be put to use in right direction and if good moral TV shows and spiritual channels seen by the whole family it will make a very right impact on the next generation. Also internet has lot of moral and spiritual text, audio, graphics and videos which can be studied and seen online by whole family. The same rule applies to mobile also.
If possible every family member must try to visit their place of worship at least once a week and take children’s with them so that our children’s get good moral values.  If we give good values to our next generation only then our society will be a good society.

Monday, August 10, 2015


Morning walk is a very healthy exercise as it gives us fresh air. Walking increase oxygen levels in blood and all joints of body gets movement.  Also we meet many peoples and exchanges wishes with them which keep our mind and heart happy. So many people’s regularly goes for morning walk and among them mostly retired senior citizens.  Few of the service class peoples also goes for morning walk but think about the lower class/labour class who wake up early in morning and cook his food and then moves to duty. Also think about a daily passenger who has to catch his bus/train in morning and reach his/her workplace after 2-4 hrs. journey and return home in night and he/she will be late off-course. When will he get time to walk? Now take a case of some peoples who woke up at 3.00 a.m and move to vegetable market and after hard working of 8 hrs. kWhen these of person will go for morning walk?

Basically on people with enough money can only enjoy the life and live for long time while peoples who are hard physical workers or poor people’s generally had small span of life and passes away early. PLEASE SUGGEST SOME VIEWS AND IDEAS WHICH CAN IMPROVE THE LIFE-STANDARD OF ABOVE CATEGORY OF PEOPLES.

Wednesday, July 29, 2015


Small income group / labour group peoples generally buy everything in small quantity because of limited finance with them. They talk more and make big claims and in reality they have many limitations. Whenever they get salary/money they feel themselves on the seventh sky and spends like anything when their money get finished they start asking for credit and make requests and plead for taking credit by making promise to pay soon. Also these type of people when purchase anything they it at cheap and best in small quantity. They want to taste some sample of the product and make payment later on. These days generally of the labour class people had started drinking or taking some type of drugs and their working capacity has reduced largely in last 3-4 decades. Not only labour but working capacity of all human beings has gone down in comparison to their previous generation because of change in lifestyle. They eating habits, sleeping routine, busy life, junk foods etc. are main reason behind it. So government of India must focus on this problem and should try to introduce policies which will increase health standard of our peoples and make them able to work more. Yes we have large number of resources, machinery, technology today to complete our daily routine life tasks and it is a big reason that we have lost physical working capacity. In villages even now peoples are healthier than their counterparts living in big cities because they eat pure and live healthy. Eat pure and live healthy is key the peoples of village life. Increasing pollution and decreasing greenery had given a big blow to health of city peoples while the air is fresh in villages which had definitely positive impact on health. Reducing area of farming had forced the peoples to move towards cities for employment their they don’t get proper healthy food and environment so they get diverted towards habit of taking wine, drug etc. which for a movement give them energy to work and shortens their life and slowly-slowly they becomes poor and request for everything in small quantities and on credit and in last fails to pay back which reduce standards of confidence of humanity.
What is the problem of this problem and if the same cycle of living continues no doubt that one day human beings have no energy to do physical work and survival of human beings on this planet will be a history.