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Tuesday, April 3, 2018

आरक्षण का दुष्परिणाम

ये कविता किसने लिखी है, मुझे नहीं मालूम, पर जिसने भी लिखी है उसको नमन करता हूँ। 
आरक्षण के मुद्दे पर बहुत ही प्रभावी अभिव्यक्ति, आप सभी के ध्यानार्थ एवं ज्ञानार्थ प्रस्तुत है.....
*"करता हूँ अनुरोध आज मैं, भारत की सरकार से,"* 
*"प्रतिभाओं को मत काटो, आरक्षण की तलवार से…"*
*"वर्ना रेल पटरियों पर जो, फैला आज तमाशा है,"*
*"जाट आन्दोलन से फैली, चारो ओर निराशा है…"*
*"अगला कदम पंजाबी बैठेंगे, महाविकट हडताल पर,"*
*"महाराष्ट में प्रबल मराठा , चढ़ जाएंगे भाल पर…"*
*"राजपूत भी मचल उठेंगे, भुजबल के हथियार से,"*
*"प्रतिभाओं को मत काटो, आरक्षण की तलवार से…"*
*"निर्धन ब्राम्हण वंश एक, दिन परशुराम बन जाएगा,"*
*"अपने ही घर के दीपक से, अपना घर जल जाएगा…"*
*"भड़क उठा गृह युध्द अगर, भूकम्प भयानक आएगा,"*
*"आरक्षण वादी नेताओं का, सर्वस्व मिटाके जायेगा…"*
*"अभी सम्भल जाओ मित्रों, इस स्वार्थ भरे व्यापार से,"*
*"प्रतिभाओं को मत काटो, आरक्षण की तलवार से…"*
*"जातिवाद की नही , समस्या मात्र गरीबी वाद है,"*
*"जो सवर्ण है पर गरीब है, उनका क्या अपराध है…"*
*"कुचले दबे लोग जिनके, घर मे न चूल्हा जलता है,"*
*"भूखा बच्चा जिस कुटिया में, लोरी खाकर पलता है…"*
*"समय आ गया है उनका , उत्थान कीजिये प्यार से,"*
*"प्रतिभाओं को मत काटो, आरक्षण की तलवार से…"*
*"जाति गरीबी की कोई भी, नही मित्रवर होती है,"*
*"वह अधिकारी है जिसके घर, भूखी मुनिया सोती है…"*
*"भूखे माता-पिता , दवाई बिना तडपते रहते है,"*
*"जातिवाद के कारण, कितने लोग वेदना सहते है…"*
*"उन्हे न वंचित करो मित्र, संरक्षण के अधिकार से"*
*"प्रतिभाओं को मत काटो, आरक्षण की तलवार से…"*

Friday, March 23, 2018

Democracy to Monarchism

The selection of Mr. XI Jinping as President of China for whole life and after winning election in Russia by Mr. Vladmir Putin is indicating that these countries are moving towards monarchy system and definitely the adjacent countries as well as those countries who are deeply associated with Russia and China will have big influence of this pattern of thinking means monarchy. The Democratic and Republic spirit will have negative impact from the above movements. Leaders of many others countries will also  tries to place themselves as a position holder for lifetime and may plans to place their family holders of position means dictatorship / monarchism. Some other small countries in world has moved / moving towards democratic system while the big countries are changing themselves from democratic to monarchism.

Here the question is that the ‘Does the cycle of history has completed its one round and starting new round where again dictatorship will start.

Friday, March 16, 2018


In last few months so many news are there in e-media and newspapers about crime against women and many incidents are reported from small towns and even villages. There is a urgent need to find out the reasons behind it. Today our youths are wasting their too much time with electronic devices like television and mobile

About television my observation is that they shows too much violence and these violent activities have negative impact on teenagers and youths mind. Also free and low cost access to internet through mobile has lead to youth fascination towards many unwanted material on net.

The highly decreased personal interaction between human beings is also responsible for crime because new young generations fail to understand the importance of moral and social values. The topic of discussion among youth groups are generally vulgar and negative and leads to increased crime. If the energy of youths are used and taken into right direction then it will be beneficial for society and nation.

The change in social pattern have resulted in postpone of individual rights, duties and responsibilities from social and personal point of view because generally a youth get established in his life in the age of 26-27 after getting education and some experience which gets conflicted with the change in humans body biological requirements.

Another reason is high rate of unemployment in our country which increases frustration and frustration leads to crime.

An important reason behind crime against women is decreasing girl ratio in society although government has started ‘Beti Bachao Beti Padao’ movement but still the daughters marriage, dowry problem and dependency of parents on son is a very big hurdle in way of government mission of ‘Save Girl Child

To control crime against women awareness, moral values needs to be inculcated to all teenagers and youth by their teachers, parent’s elders and seniors. I think in every village, small towns and cities a monthly programme must be organized to teach the society about giving care & respect to women’s. Also moral science subjects in education should also teach the students about dignity of women’s.