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Saturday, January 5, 2008

Arranged Marriages in India

In India the number of successful marriage rate is much higher than any other part of the world. The culture, tradition given from childhood makes a person able to understand the importance of relations. Mostly Indians get married through arranged marriages. Marriage is a necessary part of Indian society. Although Indian society is much affected by of westernization but still arranged marriage is most commonly used path. India's conservative ethos is so ingrained that surveys show that a majority of the young are inclined towards arranged marriages. Arrangement of marriage is responsibility of parents and other elder relatives of any boy/girl. Almost everyone in India still rely on their parents wisdom, foresight and connections to find the right person for them. Besides family, friends and neighbors many match making services, personals and now internet personals provide opportunity for people to get together. Generally social network is used for search for bride or groom who is having suitable social, communal & economic status. In case of arranged marriage not only two persons come into agreement with each other but it is merger of two families, their culture, tradition, customs and values. Husband and wife accept the drawbacks and loopholes of each other.

They have some social bindings and restrictions put on them by elders of their families. Even in case of some disputes elders greatly help them to solve the issues and make their marriage life successful. The presence of elders is a very big supportive factor in making a marriage life successful.

Marriage is a big event in India and brings social realignment, biological reproduction and exchange of values, traditions and wealth.

At last I would say lets stick with our custom, tradition and system created by our previous generations.

1 comment:

  1. Arranged marriages worked in the old days (in the East as well as in the West) because:

    - EVERYBODY expected to get get married this way. There was no contact with the unrelated opposite sex otherwise.

    - Spouses lived in extended families, and usually made their living in the same household.

    - Marriage was an issue of social obligation, not personal fulfillment.

    - Spouses were duty-bound to put out in the marital bed and make babies for the clan. No concept of marital rape.

    - Most importantly, there was no concept of privacy or individuality. Everyone grew up, worked and died in the same community. They learnt the same things, spoke the same language, ate the same food, and were exposed to the same cultural norms. As such, everyone was a cookie-cutter copy. Any man could be paired up with any woman as long as they came with some wealth, a pair of hands and their respective reproductive apparatus. Today, people travel offline or online, and are exposed to different cultures, religions, books, societies, languages, cuisines and lifestyles. If they are open-minded, they will certainly develop strongly distinct individual traits and needs about which their families may either not know or not care. Hence, "old school" arranged marriages will be more difficult to accept.
