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Monday, December 28, 2009

Finally, cars to be rated on fuel economy - India Business - Biz - The Times of India

It is a good move by Government and not only in favour of consumers but for environment also.

And definitely this rating system will improve fuel usage.

I requests to automobile industry to provide their support for this rating.

Other big fuel consuming sectors must be identified and pushed for the same rating system.

Finally, cars to be rated on fuel economy - India Business - Biz - The Times of India

Wednesday, December 23, 2009

AC's eat up 40% of city's total power consumption - Mumbai - City - The Times of India

This is the estimate for Mumbai just think about other metro and urban cities and how much impact it is creating on environment, Government must launch more environment friendly building models/life model/social models and the action must start from TOP to BOTTOM. Government Top functionaries must be the first ones and set example in front of all. Secondly some famous celebrities must be engaged for this purpose and finally big corporate leaders must initiate to reduce AC use of their offices/factories/houses.

It also proves that we all should use renewable energy sources and it is really surprising that the common man pays for the consumption by rich peoples (AC's owner) because of overall rise in price. Just put some extra charges on building using centralized cooling system and give rebate to building using environment friendly systems. Also if possible force some big consumers to reduce their usage of AC's with immediate effect.  Also put additional surcharge on AC's sale/manufacturing from right now as lower AC's cost is also responsible for this situation

Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Nokia Launched 5230 Touchscreen Mobile in India.

Definitely it is good news for mobile phone lovers as this new gadget will surely attract them because of its low pricing @ Rs. 9000/- (Rs. Nine thousand only) and will give more strength to Nokia business in India as still Indian mobile market has very good scope of expansion.

Lets wait and watch what happens when this gadget goes through real test and what market feedback come for it.