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Monday, December 8, 2008

Bailout Package in India

First bailout package by Indian Government is announced yesterday amounting to Rs.35000 crores. Package will reduce the prices of cars and other consumer products. Government reduced central Value Added Tax. Package is aimed to give boost to real estate, exports,  auto, textiles, other industries and highways. It should help generate jobs in the textiles sector, the largest employer among industries. Reserve Bank had already announced the cut in CRR (Cash Reserve Ratio) and Repo Rate.  Further the decision regarding the cut in petrol and diesel prices is likely to be announced soon. Industries also announced that all the tax benefit will be passe3d to consumers. Package is announced by Planning Commission deputy chairman Montek Singh Ahluwalia.


Did the announcement of package indicate that India is also under recession and affected by Global Financial Crisis. It means that in next year the India will be also under big stress like the USA.

Friday, December 5, 2008

Commercialization of Education

Commercialization  of Education is on boom in India these days and its starting was from the days of boom in IT Sector when many private companies opened their computer training centre giving diplomas and degrees in various town & cities of every state. Most of which failed and run away with hard earned money of peoples. Similarly the concept of Distance Education launched by government in its various universities is purely business model behind it because whenever a students miss any deadline he have to pay the fines but if university misses all deadlines no measures will be taken in that case. I myself have gone through a graduate distance programme from Guru Jambeshwar University, Hisar, Haryana and I never received the study material on time I have to pay the fees by end of august but I always received material in the last week of January. In last year of course for one subject A soft copy (CD) of that subject received to me only two days before the exam. I want to say that when government universities will act in this manner what can be said about the private institutions.  Universities are making money out of distance courses but nor providing services to the students. Dispatch of syllabus, study material is not done. No deadlines are mentioned for the staff to provide books and other required things to students on time. Last year one student doing M.Com from Maharishi Dayanand University, Rohtak through Distance Programme and gone to collect study material at the study centre in December , he received only three books out of six subject and told that university had printed only 3 books and rest of the books are not printed and given by university. What the university is charging for, when they do not give study material to the students it means they are just selling degrees, its shameful that no body is their to take care of these things. No one is raising a voice against them. M.Com (final) year syllabus is not sent by university and neither it is available on DDE site/MDU site. I think no audit system is their for all these things.


Staff involved in printing of study material eats the money and which is clearly corruption. I want to say please don't break the backbone of education as it will lead to disaster.

Tuesday, December 2, 2008

How Safe is our Nation?

Now Mr. P Chidambaram has taken control of Home Ministry and Mr. Shivraj Patil resigned by taking moral responsibility for Mumbai attacks. Other Parties too have started making comments and Prime Minister himself have called all party meeting in which he talked about setting up of a federal agency and increased co-ordination between navy, coast guard and other agencies. He also announced for setting up of four centres of National Security Guard in various part of country but I want to know why these steps have not been taken earlier and after Jaipur, Bangalore, Ahmedabad and Delhi Blasts. We all knows the speed of work in government system, did government working against any deadline to complete the setup of federal agency. In how much time NSG centres will be setup and in which areas.

Government have also not taken any measure steps against Senior Intelligence Officials of IB (Intelligence Bureau) & RAW (Research & Analysis Wing). Why always these agencies fails to give accurate information.

When everybody is aware that after Delhi Blasts, Mumbai is on hit list of terrorists why the security is not strengthened and what steps have been taken by Government when they received information that attacked may be by sea route.

I know that everyone will forget and calms down , all political parties will forget about it and speak about new topics. Security agencies will also got relaxed and the terrorist will take benefit of it and will prepare themselves to attack me, you and our nation, why we do not eliminate the terrorist camp working outside  India by hitting them hard. All the peace process steps between India and Pakistan must be need to be reviewed again.


Lets see what happens till the end of this year.