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Wednesday, February 27, 2008


I use MS-Word several time a day and found a problem with bullets and numbering. If we are using bullets/numbering in our documents and press Enter to write new point than the first letter (starting letter) of the point must be capitalized automatically as this facility is present in previous versions of MS-Word but in MS-Word 2003 it is not available. Let me show you through an example.

1. First point of example

2. Second point of example (pressed Enter key)

3. third point of example.

At point no. 3 letter 't' must have been capitalised automatically which didn't happens.

If anyone of you knows the solution please update me.


  1. Hello,
    Here is the veg biryani link.
    I didn't understand in which language you would like to know the meaning of cardamom.If it is in Malayalam,
    pls check this

  2. Yogurt is Dahi and coriander leaves is Dhania leaves, cardamom is elaichi..

  3. MSFN is a good place to post Office problems. Usually I can Google something up, but in this case I can't find anything. I can't reproduce the problem on my machine either.

    Biryani, yum! As long as I don't accidentally bite into the elaichi.

  4. Your template blows & everybody can read my post I don't know why you cant!
