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Showing posts with label Indian Roads. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Indian Roads. Show all posts

Wednesday, November 14, 2007

Road Construction in India

Road Construction

Every year a thousand crores of rupees are spent on construction of roads by our government to increase connectivity between villages, cities and states. Most of the roads break down in a short span of time because of many reasons. The most important point is poor quality material and not following the proper methods laid down for making roads. Rain & sewage water disposal system is not designed or not constructed as per the requirement. When water lodged on roads, it breakdowns even if the best quality material is used to make the road. The road mafia takes benefit of these points and did not allow the system to implement the solution for same because this road mafia have roped its roots deep inside our whole system. To save public money and improve roads condition the following should be kept in mind before constructing any road. First of all the water disposal system must be constructed so that water do not get lodged on any part of the road as it will improve the life of the road and the strict measures need to be taken that good quality material and proper method of construction is used to build the roads.

Send me your ideas and methods which must be used to increase roads life.